A New Year
There's a great deal of pressure around the new year to change. People talk about their New Year's Resolutions, how they're going to start being happier, more polite, healthier, thinner. Sometimes I get the feeling that some people think everything is going to change overnight.
I've stopped making resolutions. Mental health is an ongoing battle, and we're not going to change overnight, no matter how much we want to, or as the case often is, how much other people want us to. It'll take time, and that's alright. There is nothing special about the new year. Nothing has changed except the final digit in the date. So this year I'm not going to succumb to pressure. I'm going to carry on taking it one day at a time. Because life doesn't change overnight. And if you rush the process, any process, it only makes things worse.
What I suppose I'm trying to say is it's alright to be the tortoise and take things slow. Set your own goals. Don't let the New Year be a milestone unless you want it to be.
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