Charlotte Fantelli

Charlotte Fantelli's picture
Charlotte Fantelli

I am the founder of Uncovered magazine and a film director and producers, a wife, a mum and passionate mental health advocate. This is a blog of my own personal journey and I am proud to say it won me the Marie Claire Empowering Woman of the Year award 2012.

My favourite quote - 'It is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain' V. Greene - As I have many times danced in the rain!

Please see Charlotte Fantelli website

From the resus table to Fitness Ambassador Well it has been a very long time since I last wrote a blog. Partly due to being very busy, partly through lack of feeling very inspiring. But today I am feeling rather proud of myself and want to...
2nd September 2018
It appears stating that people are in control of their own life and attitude is a most unpopular notion, but it is (in my humble opinion) not pointing fingers, rather empowering people to not be confined by excuses and take their lives into their...
14th September 2015
It's World Mental health Day, and today I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! To my fish I forgot to feed, to my neighbour I ignored, to my teacher I flipped the finger, to my mum who bound my scars... Thank you. To the man in the petrol station I...
10th October 2012
Ruby Wax and my Mad Confession For those of you who read my blogs you will know that I am Charlotte Fantelli, 28, the editor of Mental Healthy, the founder of Uncovered magazine, and have had my own personal struggle with anxiety disorders....
18th July 2012
What is recovery? At different points in my journey 'recovery' has meant something different.  At my worst, recovery to me meant being able to sleep for more than an hour at a time. To go a day without a panic attack. To feel alive...
18th May 2012
My dear little girl Jade, You would be eight years old this Christmas day. I can close my eyes and see you, year by year, growing more beautiful by the day. Your long dark hair is straight in my mind's eye, which is strange as both your daddy...
20th December 2011
This is going to be the most controversial post I think I have ever written. Some of you will agree with me wholeheartedly, some of you will despise my words. These views are mine and don't represent my work with Mental Healthy! I know quite a...
29th November 2011
Happiness What is it to be happy? I typed happiness into Google to find out what the rest of the world thinks happiness is and it really hit home that happiness is different for all of us. Is happiness an emotion? A state of being? Fleeting or...
22nd November 2011
Life & death - Looking at the world through child's eyes February this year saw a friend of mine commit suicide or as I like to see it a friend was allowed to die in a secure unit despite repeated cries for help. She was the partner of...
2nd November 2011
It's not how you feel it's what you do with it that counts! I was touched this week by the blog post Calendar by Vet. Knowsley, especially as this week marked one of the hardest days of the year for me. I pride myself on being...
20th October 2011
Having written about the lesbian teacher abuse case this week and opening up about the abusive 'relationship' I had with a thirty two-year-old woman when I was just turning fourteen (for seven months), I feel as though I now have the...
7th October 2011
I wrote a news story this week about the emotional scars of children who witness domestic violence, I also went through an old folder of mine and came across a poem I wrote when I was probably around 13 years old. I'd like to point out it was my...
14th September 2011
When I was a kid I always dreamed big, so big in fact people would laugh at what I believed I could achieve. All except my mum of course who was the only other person I know who could dream as big as me. Even when she was agoraphobic and in the...
17th August 2011
Have your say!!! I have created this post as a way for you to tell me what you want. As the editor of Mental Healthy it is very important to me what YOU think. Us writers and editors rant on about mental health issues and  now this is your...
10th August 2011
I heard a quote this week and it went like this: 'Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself' A quick google search tells me it is by George Bernard Shaw.  This quote inspired me, it also freaked me out a...
2nd August 2011
Not all fun and games! Up until now I have tried to keep my blog posts quite light - as I want to inspire you and let you all know that life with a mental illness does not have to mean a life of confinement and struggle. Today I want to share...
26th July 2011
Stopping fear getting a hold So the other evening I was sat in traffic for hours. This would for many years have created a huge amount of anxiety in me. However, I have learned that if I distract myself, tell myself that 'traffic can not...
13th July 2011
Deep Purple at The Royal Albert Hall Most of you will already know that six years ago I was agoraphobic and housebound, so you, I hope, can imagine just how thrilling this post is for me to write. Last Friday I was invited to my first proper gig...
13th July 2011
Run, run, run.... For years I ran away and the faster and further I ran, the  more difficult the challenges became. Are you always avoiding that which makes you anxious? Ask yourself this: What is worse - living a life in the prison...
12th July 2011
I hope you dance. I am a heavy rock fan. The darker and more powerful the better - a band without chains and leather is usually a band I've never heard of. So this video choice may surprise you, but stay with me on this.... Back...
23rd June 2011
I LOVE this picture, it reminds me of myself; perched precariously over a chasm. However high I climb, however secure I am - I am always aware of the valley from which I climbed and the feeling of isolation in the dark places I have seen....
17th June 2011
So, if you have been following my blog by now you probably realise I have a few unusual traits! But hey, we all have unique and wonderful facets don't we. I have touched upon my OCD and emetophobia, but the one thing that really lies behind it...
13th June 2011
My favourite, favourite quote (as I have mentioned before) is: 'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain' - V. Greene Why? Well, back before the nappy changing and responsibility, before the...
7th June 2011
So I had the fantastic opportunity to have lunch with Duncan Bannatyne last week. He is, as Uncovered readers will know, someone I have admired for a long time, so I was somewhat excited at the prospect. After the wonderful article I wrote...
1st June 2011
It’s OK to scream OK, so I am constantly rabbiting on about getting the right balance: sleeping right, eating right, and getting to that little place of calm… But I just want to say ‘It’s alright to scream sometimes!...
1st June 2011
Thriving with OCD + emetophobia OK so some of you will have read my top tip in issue three of Uncovered Magazine, but most of you will not, so I want to share my point once more. As you can see from my profile, my favourite quote is: "...
30th May 2011
Hello! It is a fine and beautiful day here on the south coast (at least the glare from the window hitting the computer screen tells me as such). This is my first blog post, and a very strange feeling it is too. I am a writer (obviously) and have...
25th May 2011
Charlotte Fantelli's picture


About you

I am the founder of Uncovered magazine and a film director and producers, a wife, a mum and passionate mental health advocate. This is a blog of my own personal journey and I am proud to say it won me the Marie Claire Empowering Woman of the Year award 2012.

My favourite quote - 'It is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain' V. Greene - As I have many times danced in the rain!

Please see Charlotte Fantelli website


Member for
14 years 6 weeks