Veteran Knowsley

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Veteran Knowsley

I am an Army Veteran of 23 years service. Having been in the Household Cavalry.  I like many other veterans did not understand that my so call Victor Meldrew days was PTSD. It because of that I'm now  working on setting up a Veterans self help  sign post group were I lived. I have walk many dark roads and I don't want to see others suffer like I did. This is my aim for the next coming year

The Ministry of Defence says all service leavers are offered resettlement and careers advice. And some free retraining. The ministry said the veterans "are the best of British. They have the skills and the attitude to succeed in any civilian...
18th October 2011
What type of calendar do you have hung on the wall? One of those you can put events on or is it one with just dates on? There are many reasons why I don’t hang a calendar on my wall as dates are one of my triggers to my nightmare world....
17th October 2011
The Brick wall Just when you think you’re doing all right you turn a corner slap bang into a brick wall.   My brick wall is panic attacks they strike out of the blue, without any warning.  They reach a peak within 10 minutes, and...
3rd October 2011
I feel guilty. I feel guilty a lot, about things  I  do and things I don't do. All of us, whether guilty or not, whether old or young, must accept the past. It is not a case of coming to terms with the past. That is not possible. It...
15th August 2011
Flashbacks and PTSD This last week the news has been full about the riots in London, Manchester, Bristol and Liverpool. Many people would have watch and sat in horror and they watch people on the streets burning and looting. To some veterans...
14th August 2011
Guilt and Veterans The word "trauma" is derived from the Greek word meaning "wound." Just as a physical wound from combat can cause suffering in the body, a psychological trauma can cause suffering in the mind and soul....
1st August 2011
Veterans and the Justice System The inquiry made by the Howard League for Penal Reform into former Armed Service personnel in prison was launched on Armistice Day 2009. The inquiry was established with the remit of discovering why so many ex-...
31st July 2011
If you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), there’s a good chance you may be struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. It has been reported British troops suffering from PTSD have been abusing alcohol to cope with anxiety and...
22nd July 2011
  Why is suicide risk higher in trauma survivors?  It may be because of the symptoms of PTSD or it may be due to other mental health problems. People with PTSD suffer from a range of symptoms that interfere with their capacities to...
17th July 2011
The symptoms and treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder may be difficult to pinpoint. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and it doesn't just affect soldiers at war. Anyone who has experienced or witnessed a very distressing event outside of...
15th July 2011
When a veteran first goes to his Doctor with what he thinks is depression. He get ask a number of questions. He gives the Doctor the answers. Most times it is long hours at work or another problem that is talked about. The veteran does raise his...
13th July 2011
Living with Trauma I am a veteran and suffer from PTSD. I will not to dwell long on the events that lead to my PTSD. It was 38 years this month that I start my 18 month tour of N Ireland. My family came with me to Omagh for the tour. Like...
11th July 2011
Veteran Knowsley's picture


About you

I am an Army Veteran of 23 years service. Having been in the Household Cavalry.  I like many other veterans did not understand that my so call Victor Meldrew days was PTSD. It because of that I'm now  working on setting up a Veterans self help  sign post group were I lived. I have walk many dark roads and I don't want to see others suffer like I did. This is my aim for the next coming year


Member for
13 years 37 weeks