A recent study has revealed that a high number of fathers are suffering from depression.
People who engage in regular physical activity are less likely to suffer depression
New research finds genetic link to depression
Michael Yardy made a successful return to competitive action after his time out for depression
The Mail led with headline 'Will Kate Middleton suffer PND?' - we ask does it exist?
Study finds taking two medications for depression does not hasten recovery
New studies could have found a new means of treating anxiety symptoms and depression.
New study reveals being physically active in childhood could protect against depression
Depression sufferers encouraged to express themselves through art and poetry
New research shows a positive side to depression but are we forgetting the facts?
I spend a lot of time raising awareness of natural approaches to emotional wellbeing and mental health. As a result, people often conclude or assume that I am totally anti medication. This isn’t strictly true however. So in order to set the...
3rd June 2011
When I was at my worst, during times that could best be described as “breakdowns”, or episodes of psychosis, I experienced a mix of extreme emotions, from anxiety to joy, through to terror, despair and total confusion. I didn’t...
11th June 2011
Good Morning Readers!! (at least in my area of the world )      A chipper greeting, but I am in a solemn mood.  Studying psychological disorders can be difficult sometimes.  Those who suffer from mental illness...
13th June 2011
Today I'm going to tell you a story! It's a bit of an experiment for me. I don't usually write like this - so I hope it's okay!! Once upon a time there was this sheep. Let's call her .... errm... Tanya.  Tanya ...
17th June 2011
I LOVE this picture, it reminds me of myself; perched precariously over a chasm. However high I climb, however secure I am - I am always aware of the valley from which I climbed and the feeling of isolation in the dark places I have seen....
17th June 2011
Like Charlotte, the editor of this fabulous site, I have a favourite mental health quote: “Recovery is about building a meaningful and satisfying life, as defined by the person themselves, whether or not there are on-going or recurring...
22nd June 2011
I hope you dance. I am a heavy rock fan. The darker and more powerful the better - a band without chains and leather is usually a band I've never heard of. So this video choice may surprise you, but stay with me on this.... Back...
23rd June 2011
I tend to write when I'm feeling well and my advice and statements are most definitely made from the healthy place in my brain.  Well today I decided to write in the midst of my depression, stuck in the mud, sinking into sickness.  ...
23rd June 2011
I still haven't recovered from this depression I am trapped in.  It takes all my energy just to make it to my computer, to get dressed, to wake up.  I don't have words to describe this feeling and so I'm reaching out to you,...
28th June 2011
If you've read my previous blog, you may have spotted a couple of images of BBC TV Centre and Big AM Manchester's former studios at Salford Quays, where I was a journalist and bulletin editor/newsreader.  A few people have asked me...
2nd July 2011
I dedicate this to my friend going through the same issues as my former mental health worker:   So lonely for female companionship was I At a time I was so low It was all I could do not to die   My young mental health worker caught my eye...
9th July 2011
Recovery from psychosis by CBT - my story I was feeling quite low on the day Charlotte commissioned this video so although I smiled with my voice I did not with my face. This is how people who've mainly worked in radio often are anyway: we...
15th July 2011
The following report came out on the Guardian website Monday, outlining how the ONS propose to measure well-being and happiness following the new governments call to measure well-being as well as GDP. So, How Do You Measure Wellbeing & Happiness...
27th July 2011
Veterans and the Justice System The inquiry made by the Howard League for Penal Reform into former Armed Service personnel in prison was launched on Armistice Day 2009. The inquiry was established with the remit of discovering why so many ex-...
31st July 2011
So here I go, my first blog for Mental Healthy. As I sit here writing away, I felt it would only be fair you should know a little about me. That way you can understand where I am coming from when I write blogs in the future. After all we all have...
3rd August 2011
Lonestar - Amazed Suicidal and Paranoid Ideation I have touched upon my suicidal and paranoid thoughts in previous blogs, and a couple of weeks ago I had strong suicidal thoughts again and am still suffering mild ones this weekend and I wanted...
7th August 2011
I felt deeply sad when I read, in yesterday's Mail on Sunday, Gail Porter's interview about her experience of sectioning.   I knew she'd been in hospital -- Mental Healthy covered the story at the time - but it wasn't until...
15th August 2011
Several years after my crash and lots of severe depression I realised that I needed something that was going to make me fit to return to society. Something that would give me self confidence, something that would help me feel good about myself,...
20th August 2011
Hello! Just wanted to... drop in! I will write a longer blog post at some point about who I am and my experience of mental health problems. Unfortunately a part of my depression is I feel unable to do the things I used to enjoy, in this case,...
24th August 2011
Last night I caught a segment on The One Show on BBC One, with Ruby Wax on how mental health conditions were once treated, with reference to the old asylums and the treatment of Electroconvulsive therapy. I had also recently done some reading on...
25th August 2011
If you've just received the Mental Healthy newsletter and missed my regular blog entry within it -- I'll share a secret with you.   I'm in diazepam withdrawal ... AGAIN!    For 8 years now psychiatrists have been...
30th September 2011
Small steps are so important Currently as part of my training as a counsellor I am studying a mental health module with the open university and have just finished reading ‘Hilary’s story’ a woman’s account of her...
2nd October 2011
Answer. Yes if you bake it yourself.  Yes I know you can go and buy a loaf full of chemicals and preservatives for a quid down the local supermarket. It will be sliced, tasteless and just act as a practical way of filling you up. Okay that...
4th November 2011
Hello :) My name's Lexie. I'm a 20 year old medical student who is currently taking a year out and intercalating in Medical Humanities. I wanted to introduce myself, and about a minute ago I was all set to tell you everything...
10th November 2011
As part of my counselling course I am currently reading about the holistic approach to mental distress. The holistic approach focuses on the client as an individual who is influenced by a number of different dimensions (psychologically,...
11th November 2011
OK, here goes... I have always loved to write, and have done so for many years. Not professionally, but for my own enjoyment. I suppose I found it therapeutic. Over an extended period of time, the writing stopped flowing. My mental health (...
12th November 2011
Twitter was buzzing with tweets about bullying on Monday, as Bullying UK (the national anti-bullying support and advice organisation) kicked off Anti-Bullying Week with a variety of Twitter discussions.  Asking questions, such as...
15th November 2011
I am in the grip of anxiety. It's my own fault. The trouble with this Borderline stuff is that I can always be relied upon to come up with the biggest, most grandiose solution to a problem. And then I'll loathe myself for it. Putting my...
22nd November 2011
It’s been just over a year to the day since I was diagnosed. I can always work it out because it was the day that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 came out at the cinema, and I was going home so I could see it with the family. I...
22nd November 2011
The apparent suicide of a public figure, while incredibly sad, brings mental health stigma into sharp focus. The media exploded with speculation and debate about mental health issues and suicide at the weekend. The immediate, emotional reactions to...
28th November 2011
My youngest child celebrating his fourth birthday has put me in reflective mood. "Someone once said, motherhood is a series of losses". So said the Health Visitor who had stopped by to chat. It was early spring 2005 in London, ...
8th December 2011
'Twas broad daylight in Wintertime. The sun was shining.   There was snow on high ground still, and pretty it looked too. Christmas had been quite an ordeal that year -- I thought all the Santa-themed presents were sex toys and...
20th December 2011
I am from Eltham in South East London. You may have heard of it - it's been in the news lately. I feel the urge to write about it, because it has prompted reflection on my first awareness of my OCD and Emotional Dysregulation, at...
3rd January 2012
Is there anyone in the world with a healthy body image? Is there anyone that is truly and honestly fine, content and accepting of every aspect of their physical appearance? I’ve certainly never met them – and I’m talking about men...
12th January 2012
It’s not uncommon when we read the newspapers or watch the news that when violence has been committed towards a member of the public it is often linked to the perpetrators state of mental health. Often the media will link violent behaviour...
19th January 2012
  Today the Guardian posted an article: The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. The full article can be read here: www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying but I'm just going to list the 5 points anyway...
2nd February 2012
I am a big advocate of talking therapies as a treatment for BPD. My experience of talking therapies began in London, with a counsellor and a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), aimed at bringing my OCD and anxiety back under control....
4th February 2012
Dear BPD, I hate you. You sneak around in the background, lurking in the shadows. Then you rush out at me, screaming, and make so much noise I just can’t think. You wear so many different masks and disguises, I never know what to look...
24th February 2012
Finished an essay on the holistic approach the mental distress, thought I would share some of it; let me know your thoughts.... Today the most prominent model used is the biomedical model. It relies on trained specialists submitting a diagnosis and...
28th February 2012
During the course of my life, I have used the NHS a lot. From teenage to my early 20s in London, I received great care from hospitals and GPs alike for both chronic knee and stomach problems. In my mid-20s in London, I had my first child. With the...
14th March 2012
So, there I was, feeling all confident in my understanding of my illness and experience – damping down my symptoms as and when they flared up, like some kind of BPD ninja. Then came a bad news phone-call. I’ve received a number of these...
7th May 2012
Why do I refer to myself as someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder? Well, because it is a fact. Not everybody approves of my choice, however. For me now, it is no different than my Mother stating that she suffers from arthritis, or my...
19th May 2012
Childhood early warning signs of mild paranoia I first suffered from very mild paranoia when I was at primary school - as a class we watched a children's TV sci-fi  drama in which, towards the end, a character pointed a device with a...
21st May 2012
How to Get rid of depression. Step 2. Eat a good healthy diet, consisting of fruit, veg, proteins & carbs Step 3. Drink water, keep hydrated. Lay off the coffee, tea & booze. Step 4. Take care of yourself, shower yourself, take pride in how...
13th July 2012
One in five people become depressed at some point in their lives, everyone gets low at times but in some cases depression can interfere with a person’s everyday life. On one website it informed me that there are two treatments available for...
20th July 2012
As a peer adviser I work with young people who can be going through some quite difficult times. These can include self harm, homelessness, having to care for a family member, depression, low self-esteem to name a few. These are not the type of...
7th August 2012
The difficulty of getting a physical health diagnosis with a mental health history From the emails which I have received from site visitors, I know that some of you will have noticed that my news reports have been infrequent recently.  This...
11th August 2012
If you long to find a way to lift your spirits, to get in touch with your inner sanctuary and find your real destiny, then read on. Take a morning or evening, or a day at the weekend to try these ways of making your inner star sparkle. You will be...
16th August 2012
People often refer to “the mask” of mental illness – that fixed smile I put in place before I leave the house. That expression that leads everyone to say, “You have a mental illness? I had no idea! You always look so cheerful...
19th August 2012
Excuses, excuses. As an adult, I’ve always made excuses for why I’m just not getting it done. Firstly, I was busy starting a family. Then, I had babies at home. Then I was busy with Pre-school runs and charity work. Now, my youngest has...
24th September 2012
It's World Mental health Day, and today I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! To my fish I forgot to feed, to my neighbour I ignored, to my teacher I flipped the finger, to my mum who bound my scars... Thank you. To the man in the petrol station I...
10th October 2012
I advocate replacing birthdays with wisedays. Why the devil not? They do in some cultures, so why not here? I’m grumpy about the way getting older is frowned upon; making wrinkles even more firmly entrenched, by the brainwashing media....
5th March 2013
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