Useful Products & Services
This is the area of our site where we bring you information on products and services you may find useful. We may not have reviewed these products ourselves so are not endorsing them in any way, however as we do not have time to review all products and services that may be of benefit to you, this area gives you more information on things that may be of interest.
Mental and emotional wellbeing is personal to everyone, some find they are at their most stable and well balanced using meditation, others find it in religion, yoga or sport. What works for one may not work for another and vice versa, we feel it right that we bring you press releases, articles and features about products that you may find work for you.
If you have a book, DVD, product, service, retreat, or other mental wellbeing related item you would like us to consider for inclusion in this area of our website, please send an article ORIGINAL TO US about it to [email protected].
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