Sex Talk
Sex: when it’s good it can be amazing, when it’s bad it can tear relationships apart. Here we take an intimate look at relationships and sex with reference to mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Everyone who has ever had sex will know the strong emotional impact such an intimate encounter can have. Good sex can have many wonderful physical and psychological effects, leaving you feeling great.
Bad sex, sex with the wrong person, dangerous or abusive sex can all have dramatically opposite effects, leaving you low and emotionally drained. This type of sex can lead to long-lasting self-esteem problems and even mental and emotional health issues.
It’s not just sex that effects our psychological state, our state of mind has a huge impact on our sex lives.
With expert articles, including guides on popular topics by TV's Dr Rob Hicks, we explore many important sexual health issues. Editor Charlotte Fantelli and psychologist Colin Matthews explore other areas of this subject from sexual psychology to simply what turns us all on…
You can read many features on this site by exploring our sex talk area or you can see many of these features in had copy by buying Uncovered magazine.
Remember to please send us your sex and relationship related questions to: [email protected]
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