Silky Red

Silky Red's picture
Silky Red

I am a qualified teacher of law and psychology and tutor A' level students. I am also a writer and I have written articles for magazines such as The Psychologist, Prediction, Natural Health and Kindred Spirit to name a few as well as fiction to People's Friend and Ireland's Own. I also write educational resources for colleges. I am hoping to undertake a PhD this year on exercise addiction and the impact on an individual's life.

I have much empathy and understanding for all things related to psychological illness as I was housebound for many years, have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, OCD and emetophobia. I appreciate the vulnerability and isolation that exists for such suffers and my goal is to be there in any way I can. One person can make a difference even if it is just a small one smiley


I advocate replacing birthdays with wisedays. Why the devil not? They do in some cultures, so why not here? I’m grumpy about the way getting older is frowned upon; making wrinkles even more firmly entrenched, by the brainwashing media....
5th March 2013
Fun at the dentist I had never had any problems with going to the dentist when I was young. I enjoyed the occasion, receiving a sticker for my excellent teeth. However, when I was about eleven years old, the dentist discovered that I had two adult...
16th November 2012
If you long to find a way to lift your spirits, to get in touch with your inner sanctuary and find your real destiny, then read on. Take a morning or evening, or a day at the weekend to try these ways of making your inner star sparkle. You will be...
16th August 2012
Agoraphobia strikes... I stood on the pavement and the world swam in front of me. Everyone seemed to be walking faster, speaking quicker; buildings looked huge and intimidating and I was certain that I was about to collapse. I grabbed the wall for...
31st May 2012
The Early Years When I was 10 years old, Christmas time was magical. I had received so many gifts I just didn’t know what to do with them all. “Put your toys and books away then,” said my mother smiling at my excited expression...
24th May 2012
Silky Red's picture


About you

I am a qualified teacher of law and psychology and tutor A' level students. I am also a writer and I have written articles for magazines such as The Psychologist, Prediction, Natural Health and Kindred Spirit to name a few as well as fiction to People's Friend and Ireland's Own. I also write educational resources for colleges. I am hoping to undertake a PhD this year on exercise addiction and the impact on an individual's life.

I have much empathy and understanding for all things related to psychological illness as I was housebound for many years, have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, OCD and emetophobia. I appreciate the vulnerability and isolation that exists for such suffers and my goal is to be there in any way I can. One person can make a difference even if it is just a small one smiley



Member for
12 years 44 weeks