Liz Lockhart

Liz Lockhart's picture
Liz Lockhart

Liz Lockhart - News Editor.

I am very lucky to work from my home in Dorset to bring you interesting and varied reports on everything new in the world of mental health.  It has been an ambition of mine to work in the sphere of mental health since suffering from panic and anxiety disorders in my thirties. 

I am writing this for those who were kind enough to contact me after writing of my difficulties in getting a correct diagnosis of physical illness last year. A great deal has happened to me since then, in and out of hospital in Wales...
12th April 2013
The difficulty of getting a physical health diagnosis with a mental health history From the emails which I have received from site visitors, I know that some of you will have noticed that my news reports have been infrequent recently.  This...
11th August 2012
The dangers of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs This week I had the wretched experience of visiting a close and much loved family member in hospital.  After a life-time of alcohol abuse and smoking he was diagnosed with cancer just a few short...
15th March 2012
I have just read a story from a man who suffers from anxiety and depression which got me thinking.  This man has been lucky enough to be accepted for 15 different jobs in the last 3 years but has been forced to leave them all as...
22nd September 2011
A great big hello to all our readers. As news editor it is my responsibility to keep in touch with our readers and to provide the content that you want to see, I take this very seriously and want to know what you think. This week I...
14th September 2011
Can having an obese child be termed child-abuse? I have just finished writing a report about a family which is having four children removed into care as a result of the parents failing to help them to lose weight.  The link to this report...
5th September 2011
I haven't written a blog for some time now but I am wary of blogging just for the sake of it.  During a conversation this morning I realised that, after many years on from my recovery from phobic anxiety, panic disorder and agoraphobia...
24th August 2011
I, by nature, am the eternal optimist.  I see good in bad and look for shreds of happiness in sad situations.  My friends and family have laughed and cried about this facet of my nature. I can see the negative side to this now...
23rd June 2011
I have just finished a news feature about the role that 'faith' may play in the recovery of patients when other treatment has been inadequate. When I put my 'news journalist' hat on I try to remain impatial and report factually,...
17th June 2011
I think that I am about the least vain person I know but in saying that I feel like a new person since I had my hair cut off and re-styled.  I can thoroughly recommend it.  We write about the importance of looking good to feel good and...
9th June 2011
I've just got back home to Wales from Dorset. I went away for 4 days to do some IT training for work but was able to incorporate some time with my amazing grandson, daughter and son-in-law. I wanted to share my joy of achievement with you. I...
1st June 2011
Let me tell you a bit about my world. I just love my job for Uncovered Magazine and consider myself very lucky. Not only do I get to write and research on the subject of mental health, which is very close to my heart, but I get to do it from...
30th May 2011
Liz Lockhart's picture


About you

Liz Lockhart - News Editor.

I am very lucky to work from my home in Dorset to bring you interesting and varied reports on everything new in the world of mental health.  It has been an ambition of mine to work in the sphere of mental health since suffering from panic and anxiety disorders in my thirties. 


Member for
13 years 44 weeks