Researchers find that light helps to reduce fear and anxiety and could lead to new treatments
Manufacturer and retail outlets perpetuating the stigma of mental health disorder
Paolo Guerrero injured during a flight to Switzerland whilst suffering a panic attack
A reader's account of how 9/11 hit at the mental health of her family
Study shows that phobics see the object of their dread as being larger than it really is
Easter can hold great expectation and happiness but it can also be a time of great stress and pressure
New study suggests that there is a link between a pronounced dislike of homosexuals and a suppression of their feelings
The use of CBT in conjunction with a transdiagnostic approach is the most effective treatment for anxiety disorders, according to a new study
Like Charlotte, the editor of this fabulous site, I have a favourite mental health quote: “Recovery is about building a meaningful and satisfying life, as defined by the person themselves, whether or not there are on-going or recurring...
22nd June 2011
I hope you dance. I am a heavy rock fan. The darker and more powerful the better - a band without chains and leather is usually a band I've never heard of. So this video choice may surprise you, but stay with me on this.... Back...
23rd June 2011
I, by nature, am the eternal optimist.  I see good in bad and look for shreds of happiness in sad situations.  My friends and family have laughed and cried about this facet of my nature. I can see the negative side to this now...
23rd June 2011
Deep Purple at The Royal Albert Hall Most of you will already know that six years ago I was agoraphobic and housebound, so you, I hope, can imagine just how thrilling this post is for me to write. Last Friday I was invited to my first proper gig...
13th July 2011
Stopping fear getting a hold So the other evening I was sat in traffic for hours. This would for many years have created a huge amount of anxiety in me. However, I have learned that if I distract myself, tell myself that 'traffic can not...
13th July 2011
Recovery from psychosis by CBT - my story I was feeling quite low on the day Charlotte commissioned this video so although I smiled with my voice I did not with my face. This is how people who've mainly worked in radio often are anyway: we...
15th July 2011
Happiness What is it to be happy? I typed happiness into Google to find out what the rest of the world thinks happiness is and it really hit home that happiness is different for all of us. Is happiness an emotion? A state of being? Fleeting or...
22nd November 2011
I am in the grip of anxiety. It's my own fault. The trouble with this Borderline stuff is that I can always be relied upon to come up with the biggest, most grandiose solution to a problem. And then I'll loathe myself for it. Putting my...
22nd November 2011
The apparent suicide of a public figure, while incredibly sad, brings mental health stigma into sharp focus. The media exploded with speculation and debate about mental health issues and suicide at the weekend. The immediate, emotional reactions to...
28th November 2011
I loathe the school run. First, it is my responsibility to make sure my children have with them everything they need for the day. In true, BPD, dichotomous fashion, I simultaneously dread and need this responsibility. If I get it wrong, my child...
30th January 2012
What is recovery? At different points in my journey 'recovery' has meant something different.  At my worst, recovery to me meant being able to sleep for more than an hour at a time. To go a day without a panic attack. To feel alive...
18th May 2012
Why do I refer to myself as someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder? Well, because it is a fact. Not everybody approves of my choice, however. For me now, it is no different than my Mother stating that she suffers from arthritis, or my...
19th May 2012
Agoraphobia strikes... I stood on the pavement and the world swam in front of me. Everyone seemed to be walking faster, speaking quicker; buildings looked huge and intimidating and I was certain that I was about to collapse. I grabbed the wall for...
31st May 2012
If you long to find a way to lift your spirits, to get in touch with your inner sanctuary and find your real destiny, then read on. Take a morning or evening, or a day at the weekend to try these ways of making your inner star sparkle. You will be...
16th August 2012
Excuses, excuses. As an adult, I’ve always made excuses for why I’m just not getting it done. Firstly, I was busy starting a family. Then, I had babies at home. Then I was busy with Pre-school runs and charity work. Now, my youngest has...
24th September 2012
It's World Mental health Day, and today I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! To my fish I forgot to feed, to my neighbour I ignored, to my teacher I flipped the finger, to my mum who bound my scars... Thank you. To the man in the petrol station I...
10th October 2012
Fun at the dentist I had never had any problems with going to the dentist when I was young. I enjoyed the occasion, receiving a sticker for my excellent teeth. However, when I was about eleven years old, the dentist discovered that I had two adult...
16th November 2012
I advocate replacing birthdays with wisedays. Why the devil not? They do in some cultures, so why not here? I’m grumpy about the way getting older is frowned upon; making wrinkles even more firmly entrenched, by the brainwashing media....
5th March 2013
It appears stating that people are in control of their own life and attitude is a most unpopular notion, but it is (in my humble opinion) not pointing fingers, rather empowering people to not be confined by excuses and take their lives into their...
14th September 2015
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