Louisa Daniels

Louisa Daniels's picture
Louisa Daniels

Louisa Daniels is a writer with an overall interest in wellbeing and lifestyle.

As well as writing, Louisa is involved with a variety of creative projects and charity initiatives.

Follow Louisa on twitter: @louisa__daniels


Tone that butt! Work those abs! Shift that belly! It’s enough to make me want to run and hide, and never look at my running shoes again. By far (and I mean miles), the worst thing about January has got to be the way that if you’re not on...
19th January 2013
Recently, I’ve been supporting a very close family member through a particularly messy relationship breakdown, and it has been utterly heart-breaking to see someone who was once so happy and full of life, appear broken and doubtful - and...
23rd November 2012
The concept of having a goal, or something to aim for, is one that shapes life from a young age. As children we are encouraged to study to pass exams so that we can get that job or place at university, and as adults, the dream extends to attaining...
16th October 2012
World Mental Health Day (WMHD) on 10th October 2012, is just around the corner and the theme this year is ‘Depression: A Global Crisis.’ According to the World Health Organisation, depression affects more than 350 million people...
30th September 2012
Don’t get me wrong, I was absolutely ecstatic to be engaged to the man I love and planning the happiest day of our lives. But, boy, was it hard work!?! Juggling wedding plans with work commitments, family and a social life was a...
17th August 2012
Hurrying to fill in my Christmas cards today, it struck me how incredibly fast the festive season has come round this year. As I scribbled and stuffed, feeling slightly frustrated by it all, I received a message from a friend who is volunteering...
15th December 2011
When life seems like it’s falling apart, and when the world feels out of touch, it can be hard to find a way to reconnect - especially when the longer nights are stretched out ahead of us for months come. Whatever the cause of the worry,...
4th November 2011
Someone very dear to me recently said, "I feel so weak asking for help!" The context of the situation is that this wonderful and spirited person is not only recenty bereaved, but is also in the midst of a marriage breakdown. For...
2nd September 2011
Striking a balance In the news this week it was reported that we look after our homes a great deal more than we look after our bodies. I agree, and I would add that we tend to pay more attention to our bodies than we do to our minds. Back in...
22nd July 2011
Louisa Daniels's picture


About you

Louisa Daniels is a writer with an overall interest in wellbeing and lifestyle.

As well as writing, Louisa is involved with a variety of creative projects and charity initiatives.

Follow Louisa on twitter: @louisa__daniels



Member for
13 years 36 weeks