Our internal motivation to exercise
Many people’s primary motivation to exercise is looking good on the outside, but I’d like us to consider a radical change of emphasis and make our main motivator to exercise to feel good on the inside – mentally, emotionally and physically. Why? Because by only focusing on the external we can easily set unrealistic expectations, which often lead to disappointment when they don’t materialise quickly enough: “I’m not losing enough weight”, “my muscles don’t look toned”, “my tummy isn’t flat enough” and so on. This leads many to just give up, and miss out on the many other valuable benefits resulting from regular exercise.

Here’s the good news! As our motivation is fed by our positive experiences, we’ll not want to give up and as a result, we’ll then start to notice positive external changes, such as:
- Losing weight (if relevant)
- Improved posture
- Flatter tummies
- Better complexion
- Firmer backsides
Consider some of the many internal benefits we can experience:
- Thinking clearly
- Sleeping better
- Feeling stronger to tackle other lifestyle changes
- More get-up-and-go!
- Increased enthusiasm
- A sense of achievement
- Feeling in control
- Increased strength to cope with life’s pressures
- More alert with improved concentration
- Able to relax
- Enjoying ‘me time’
Additionally, you and I can enjoy the satisfaction that we’re reducing the risk of many health conditions, such as:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Osteoporosis
- Type 2 diabetes
- Joint and back problem
- Dementia in later life
If you’re living with a medical condition, regular, appropriate exercise will significantly help its effective management.
Other experiences that feed our mental and emotional wellbeing are:
- Becoming aware that we’re walking/ cycling/swimming/dancing etc. for longer and faster!
- Being able to meet life’s physical demands more easily with some in reserve (e.g. gardening, moving furniture, carrying or playing with children and general living).
Imagine for a moment that you and I are in a supermarket together and all these benefits are products on the shelves. How full would your trolley be at the checkout? And the price? Embracing movement and regularly (choose as appropriate) walking / dancing / skipping / running / playing / swimming / home-exercise / attending appropriate classes / using a gym / playing sports.
These things are too good to miss, so let’s make time for ourselves and get more active.
Try the simple exercise shown overleaf (and the one in the previous issue!) and build solid foundations for good all-round health, wellbeing and quality of life.
Why not increase your walking too by 5-10 minutes a day? And a simple but effective tip for success: exercise with a friend! You may let yourself down occasionally but you are less likely to let your friend down (and vice versa!)
And join me in the next issue where we look at overcoming specific barriers and setting achievable goals.