Mental Health News
Mental Health news
The UK's biggest news source dedicated soley to mental health. With new mental health news going live daily. We report on the stories that matter to you; from breaking news, new studies and surveys, medical breakthroughs, charity and government news, even real-life and celebrity accounts of mental illness. We get to the heart of issues that matter to you.
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New 007 movie to depict a psychologically troubled Bond

European Depression Association calls MEPs to make the fight against depression in the workplace a priority.

need for quality assessment and care for over 60's who self-harm

New research could hold key to maintaining a youthful brain

Anders Behring Breivik trial stirs sensationalist media coverage of mental illness

Survey of UK workers shows that we are more stressed, working longers and taking fewer holidays

Too many men are waiting too long to see their GP when they have worries about male cancer and self-medicating with alcohol and drugs

Further study required to find out why some children with ADHD benefit from dietary change whilst others do not

Study suggests that people who smoke heavily are at a three times greater risk for major depression compared to those who quit

Open Your Mind campaign launched to raise awareness of the 27% of college/uni students with mental health difficulties

Teenage sufferers of depression are helped by a video game especially designed to combat the condition

BBC's Panorama programme exposes abuse of our elderly in care homes

A new blood test could prove breakthrough in diagnosing depression

Research suggests that all physical activities including exercise and daily household chores can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

Being healthily aware that none of us is immortal can help us to prioritise our values and goals

Ringing in the ears is often associated with anxiety disorders and depression but insomnia worsens the symptoms

Teenagers should be aware of the risk of depression associated with the use of synthetic drugs

Government plans not backed up with funding

SANE partner's Science Museum for a unique evening exploring mental health

Excessive drinking in your 20s is not associated with a feeling of immaturity, however when you reach 30 this changes

Research suggests that, when searching for an object, it speeds up the process to find it if you say the word out loud

Ruminating over negative memories has been found to have a strong association with depression in women

Just two-questions could help parents and teachers to foresee a future anxiety disorder in young children

On average, one soldier dies every day and a half in Iraq or Afghanistan whereas one veteral kills themself every 80 minutes

It is necessary for anti-bullying organisation and programmes to have different intervention to deal with bullying and cyber-bullying

Research suggests that mothers are inclined to be more critical of a child with OCD than with their siblings

New research suggests that worrying may have evolved alongside intelligence as a beneficial trait

Charity Rethink Mental Illness launches new physical health campaign aimed at increasing life expectancy

Developing Emotional Awareness and Learning lessons help youths increase emtional skills

A resource which brings information and practical tips in one easy-to-read booklet launched by The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

Research suggests that people with common mental illnesses received less support from family and friends

For most children who hear voices the hallucination stops as they age but for those in whom it persists there is a risk of mental illness

Researchers are working on an alternative, reliable treatment for people who suffer from OCD

This week sees claims that injuries caused by New Year's fitness resolutions have cause a spike in employee absence from work

New study suggests that there is a link between a pronounced dislike of homosexuals and a suppression of their feelings

Recently obtained figures show an alarming increase in the number of service personnel suffering from mental illness

Young males who have experienced sexual abuse are five times more likely to cause teenage pregnancy

Brain imaging reveals that people with eating disorders have different brain activity in response to food