Mental Health News
Mental Health news
The UK's biggest news source dedicated soley to mental health. With new mental health news going live daily. We report on the stories that matter to you; from breaking news, new studies and surveys, medical breakthroughs, charity and government news, even real-life and celebrity accounts of mental illness. We get to the heart of issues that matter to you.
If you have a mental health related story that you think we should cover please send us an email.

Taken from her home at the age of six. Skrilla UGQ now campaigns for those affected by mental health problems

British research study sheds new light on nerve damage caused by trauma and other illnesses and the repair of damaged nerves

QOF proposal indicators have been approved for development which will mean extra assessment by GPs for depression patients

New psychological screening tool for cosmetic surgery patients in private practice in the UK

Time to count the cost of the NHS's neglect of mental illness

Promising trials of new treatment for childhood anxiety

The first debate on mental health in the House of Commons for four years leads to MPs speaking out about their own disorders

Sussex Partnership NHS Trust reported to have overspent by £450,000 in April and must make severe cutbacks

Freedom of Information Act request said to show fewer than a sixth of job candidates are appointable

Study shows link between fitness in teens and reduced risk of depression

Stuart Jessop arrives at London's Tower Bridge having raised £10,000 for SANE and Anxiety UK

Could you contribute to a television programme?

Studies shows younger male and female Scots aged 15–44 years have double the risk compared with their English peers

Liverpool City Council claims people who feed pigeons are mentally ill

With telephone counselling becoming more popular, researchers look at the efficacy of telephone counselling vs. face-to-face counselling for depression

Researchers have found that a part of the brain associated with cognitive abilities is different in children who have been exposed to chronic stress

Successful treatment of depression in young people reduces risk of later drug abuse but not alcohol abuse, accoring to a new study

14th June will see a 5 hour Commons debate take place on mental health issues

By scanning the brains of depression sufferers it has been possible to see different activity in the areas of the brain associated with guilt

Mental health is often used in reference to mental health problems when it should mean quite the opposite

Anxious girls' brains bad to work harder to achieve the same results as boys in an experiment conducted by MSU

Study suggests that adults sould be encouraged to drink beverages which contain caffeine, especially coffee, in order to prevent diseases associated with aging

Recent research suggests that premature babies have a greater risk of mental health disorders compared to full-term babies

A pilot study suggests that the use of DCS and exposure therapy is useful as a treatment for severe PTSD

Keeping quiet about mental and physical disability, gender, age, sexual orientation and religion in the workplace has a negative impact

Rehab is the shortened form of the word rehabilitation and generally refers to a rehabilitation centre

The death of a mental health campaigner has sparked anger and calls for more transparency into the death of mental health patients

Research adds tot he growing evidence that people with mental illness are vulnerable during heat waves

Research finds new evidence that a Mediterranean style diet can help our mental health

Short film that offers insight and understanding of mental health problems and also seeks to better healthcare provision

Doctors to take industrial action on 21st June in protest against the Government's pension reforms

The Institute of Mental Health was launched in 2006 in Nottingham to increase understanding of mental illness through research

Study links mental health problems to poor prognosis in male cancer patients