Health Anxiety Participants Needed


Do you visit the doctor on a regular basis?

Are you constantly worrying about your health to the point that it is affecting your day to day life?

Are you always looking up symptoms on the internet, trying to self-diagnose?

Take part and get help

We’re looking to speak to people who suffer from HEALTH ANXIETY for a new immersive TV series.

Most of us worry about our health from time to time, but for some this worry NEVER goes away and becomes a problem in itself.

If this sounds like you, get in touch with us today. We want to offer HELP.

Please email [email protected] or call 020 3375 5196

There is no obligation to take part. Any personal details you give us will be kept securely and only used for the purpose of considering your potential involvement in the programme. All participants must be 18 or over.

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