Department of Health mental health statistics

Department of Health mental health statistics

Taken from DoH press release - Mental Health Community Teams Activity data, 2010-11 and 2011-12 Q1

The following statistics were published this week by the Department of Health:

• During 2010-11 10,311 new cases of psychosis were served by Early Intervention (EI) teams.

• In 2010-11 97.2% of patients under adult mental illness specialties on Care Programme Approach   (CPA) were followed up within 7 days of discharge from psychiatric inpatient care.

• In 2010-11 97.4% of admissions to psychiatric inpatient wards were gate kept by Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) teams.

• In Quarter 1 of 2011-12 2,667 new cases of psychosis were served by EI teams.

• In Quarter 1 of 2011-12 96.6% of patients under adult mental illness specialties on CPA were followed up within 7 days of discharge from psychiatric inpatient care.

• In Quarter 1 of 2011-12 97.1% of admissions to psychiatric inpatient wards were gate kept by CRHT teams.

Early Intervention teams engage with people with a first episode of psychosis over a three-year period. The plan is to engage with 7,500 new people yearly and treat them over a period of up to three years.

People cared for by specialist mental health teams are likely to be monitored under the Care Programme Approach (CPA). Patients on CPA usually have multiple needs and require care coordination which is usually managed by a care plan. All patients on CPA discharged from psychiatric inpatient care are to be followed up either by face to face contact or by phone within 7 days of discharge to reduce risk of suicide and social exclusion and improve care pathways. The national threshold is to follow up 95% of patients within 7 days.

Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) teams offer intensive short-term support for people in mental health crisis in their own home, or suitable alternative non-NHS setting, thereby avoiding hospital admissions . All admissions to psychiatric inpatient wards are gate kept by a CRHT team by assessing the service user before admission and by being involved in all requests for admission. The national threshold is to gate keep 95% of all admissions to psychiatric inpatient wards.


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