Suicide linked to alcohol abuse in NI
By Charlotte Fantelli
The 'Suicide and Homicide in Northern Ireland' report to be launched Wednesday by Health Minister Edwin Poots, was carried out by the National Confidential Inquiry.
The report led by professor Louis Appleby from the University of Manchester, which aims to improve mental health services in the area, has shown the highest number of recorded suicides last year.
According to the Department of Health statistics, more than three hundred people in Northern Ireland took their lives in 2010, this is a staggering amount and the highest figure ever recorded in the area.
Mr Appleby said: "It is a concern that Northern Ireland suicide rates are high by UK standards. It is also a concern that they have been rising whereas in other parts of the UK suicide has been falling."
In our exclusive Uncovered report last year we surveyed 1000 people nationwide and found that Northern Ireland fared worst in UK for mental health problems with only 36% of the population declaring themselves ‘very mentally healthy’.
We also found that Northern Ireland fared worst when ranking out of 5 the statement 0 being disagree and 5 being most strongly agree ‘I am likely to turn to alcohol to cope with low mood, anxiety, stress or depression’ with a staggering 47% scoring 3 and above.
After this research it comes as little shock that this new report has found a link between the alcohol abuse in the region and the latest suicide statistics.
The 'Suicide and Homicide in Northern Ireland' report has shown ‘clear links between alcohol and the increased suicide rate.’
Professor Appleby said: "Of all the patients who died by suicide, 60% were thought to be misusing alcohol by their doctors. About half of these were alcohol dependent."
Dr Uzma Huda, Vice Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Northern Ireland tells the BBC there needs to be a minimum pricing for alcohol.
She said: "We can no longer afford to ignore the growing trend linking alcohol and suicide, particularly in young people."
We hope now this connection is made policies can be put in place to help these vulnerable people.
Uncovered report survey results
Alcohol Used to Mask Mental Health Issues
Social Status and Mental Health
Mental Health Differences Between the Sexes