What mums think about mental illness really makes a difference

What mums think about mental illness really makes a difference

By Liz Lockhart

The way a mother perceives her mentally ill child has a marked effect on the child’s symptoms and self-image.  It can also sometimes be the source of stigmatising attitudes that impede recovery.

A new study led by Fred Markowitz, professor of sociology at Northern Illinois University, will be published this June in Social Psychology Quarterly.

‘Negative attitudes of family members have the potential to affect the ways that mentally ill persons view themselves, adversely influencing the likelihood of recovery from the illness’ said Markowitz.

One hundred and twenty nine mothers of adult children with schizophrenia were studied over an 18-month period.

‘In short, what mom thinks matters’ Markowitz said ‘It’s a chain of effects that unfold.’

‘We found that when those with mental illness exhibited greater levels of initial symptoms, lower self-confidence and quality of life, their mothers tended to view them in more stigmatised terms...for example, seeing them as ‘incompetent, ‘unpredictable’ and ‘unreliable’.  When mothers held these views, their sons and daughters with mental illness were more likely to come to see themselves in similar terms...what social psychologists call ‘the reflected appraisals process’.  Importantly, when the individuals with mental illness took on these stigmatising views of themselves, their symptoms became somewhat greater and levels of self-confidence and quality of life were lower.’ said Markowitz.

Many different research studies have shown that the stigma associated with mental illness can be a major set-back to recovery.  ‘Research has not historically examined the links between stigma, reflected appraisals, identity formation and recovery.’ Markowitz added.

‘Our study is part of research that is starting to more fully examine how stigma affects the self-concept and identity of those with mental illness.’ he said.

Markowitz, who conducted this study with several other colleagues, believes that it is important to acknowledge that many of the sentiments conveyed toward ill relatives grow out of positive intentions and reflect attempts to cope with the difficulties of having a relative with serious mental illness.  Yet, stigmatizing attitudes are of concern because of their potential adverse effects.

‘This study highlights the notion that recovery from mental illness is not simply a matter of controlling symptoms, as indicated by a strictly ‘psychiatric’ perspective.’ Markowitz said.  ‘It is, to a certain extent, a social-psychological process.’

‘The way in which people, including family members and service providers, think about persons with mental illness affect the beliefs and actions of the individuals with mental illness, in turn shaping the trajectory of recovery.’ Markowitz concluded. 

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