Smokefree mental health DVD launched
By Louise Merrin
Clients of Mental Health Trusts across Merseyside and Cheshire joined with health professionals on World No Tobacco Day in Liverpool to launch a new stop smoking resource which has been co-created by a group of mental health service users and local charity Heart of Mersey, Public Health Network ChaMPs (Cheshire and Merseyside Partnerships for Health) and marketing agency Diva Creative.
The DVD titled ‘Today I Can’ tells the stories of seven service users who have successfully quit or cut down their tobacco intake and is aimed at other patients to remind them of the positive benefits that quitting smoking can bring.
Speaking about their involvement in the project, Chris, a service user from Warrington said: “Smoking to me was a crutch. Now I’ve thrown my crutch away, I can walk with pride knowing I am smokefree; healthier and fitter.
I haven’t pretended to be anything I’m not and I hope by sharing my story in a positive way I can help other service users live healthier lives too.”
Opening the event Liverpool’s new Lord Mayor Cllr Frank Prendergast paid tribute to the participants for their “bravery and generosity in sharing their stories to benefit the lives of others.”
Jo McCullagh, tobacco control programme lead for Heart of Mersey and ChaMPs said: “These are difficult and challenging times for the health service and public health; however I hope this film illustrates the reason why we come to work and what we can collectively achieve. I’ve felt immensely privileged to have worked with the service users to create this resource.”
The work is a continuation of Heart of Mersey’s tobacco control work in mental health settings having previously delivered three levels of training with a total of 181 mental health professionals, stop smoking advisors and pharmacies.
If you want to quit smoking text QUIT plus your name and postcode to 80039 and you will be contacted by your Local NHS Stop Smoking Service.
To find out more about The Heart of Mersey please see here:
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