Smokers with ADHD at much greater risk of substance abuse

Smokers with ADHD at much greater risk of substance abuse

By Charlotte Fantelli

Research published today (26th July) in the British Journal of Psychiatry, shows that smokers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a much-increased risk of developing substance misuse problems.

Ok, I was very skeptical when I read the headline! I honestly considered if this was just another 'state the obvious' piece of research. I say this, as it would make sense that those who smoke are often in the same demographic as those at risk of substance abuse, those who misuse substances are much more likely to be smokers than the general population, and of course having a condition such as ADHD will, in some cases, lead people to self medicate to deal with symptoms. I instantly came up with many 'common sense' theories to dismiss these findings.

But, and I reiterate, but, even with this skepticism, I was shocked as to the extent of the increase. Out of the 651 young people studied, 213 had ADHD, the remaining 438 did not - these were the control group. The youngsters were followed for a decade to monitor their relationship with smoking and substance use. Of those studied 28% were smokers (this equates to 34% of those with ADHD and 24% of those without).

At the age of 23, the results show the rates of alcohol dependence:

  • 7% for non-smokers without ADHD

  • 10% for non-smokers with ADHD

  • 18% for smokers without ADHD 

  • 35% for smokers with ADHD

The rates of drug addiction are equally as alarming, they show that:

  • 3% of non-smokers without ADHD had drug addiction problems
  • 6% of non-smokers with ADHD had drug addiction problems
  • 11% for smokers without ADHD had drug addiction problems
  • While smokers with ADHD had a staggering estimated drug dependence rate of 43%, 

Another interesting finding of this study, was that the group with ADHD who smoked, started smoking earlier, with the average age of onset being 13.9 years, compared to 15.4 years for those who smoked but did not have ADHD.

Dr Joseph Biederman, lead researcher, of Massachusetts General Hospital, says: “We found that smoking greatly and significantly increased the risk of young people with ADHD developing alcohol and drug misuse and dependence.

“This has important public health implications, and suggests that if smoking could be prevented in young people with ADHD then a large amount of problems associated with alcohol and drugs could also be prevented.” She adds.

The reasons behind the fact that smoking often acts as a precursor to drug abuse isn't entirely clear, the study suggests it may be the way nicotine affects dopamine transition, which may reinforce addictive behaviours. I would personally argue that those who do not smoke are likely to view drug taking with similar eyes to smoking, and those who do smoke are more likely to be socially and emotionally more susceptible to the possibilities of taking drugs. 

Whatever the reason for the increase in this group, what it does tell us is that these people are highly susceptible to substance abuse problems and more needs to be done to help them early on, before it becomes an issue in their lives.

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I'm interested in this position x hamester U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman on Saturday vetoedthe ban, saying his decision was in part based on its "effect oncompetitive conditions in the U.S. economy and the effect onU.S. consumers." He said Samsung could continue to pursue itscase through the courts. Iraq will spend around $10 billion on infrastructureprojects this year, he added, with the country aiming toincrease this to more than $15 billion annually by 2016. ($1 = 1163.0000 Iraqi dinars) (Reporting by Matt Smith, Mahmoud Habboush and Layla Maghribi;Writing by Matt Smith; Editing by Hugh Lawson) Major U.S. banks reported big profit gains this month,leading critics to contend that new rules are not actuallyhurting their operations. However, the returns that shareholderscare more about have come down because they had to raise morecapital. Goldman Sachs, for example, reported a 10.5 percentreturn on equity earlier this week, just about making its costof capital. Before the crisis, that number was above 30 percent. https // The Republicans may be at particular risk; just 32 percent of Americans express a favorable view of the party, vs. 63 percent unfavorable – their worst rating, as noted, in at least 29 years. The Democrats, by contrast, manage about an even split in this basic measure of popularity. Further work by a scientists at Germany's University of Bonnsuggested it may have come through an intermediary animal afterthey conducted a detailed case study of a male patient fromQatar who said he owned a camel and a goat farm.


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I'm only getting an answering machine Energy companies in the Gulf shut down production andevacuated workers from offshore platforms as the stormapproached a region that produces nearly a fifth of daily U.S.oil output and 6 percent of natural gas output. This is the only one of the three motels for sale that already has an operational restaurant and bar. Granted, you can buy three burgers at the Sail Inn for the price of one at the Montauk Beach House, and happy hour drinks are just $2.50 — but importing a chef and bar manager from Manhattan could quickly change all that. The research was carried out ahead of a European Parliament vote on flying hours within the EU. BALPA has warned the proposed changes would lead to pilots working up to seven starts in a row and being awake for 22 hours if standby hours are taken into account. site xnxx * Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc trader FabriceTourre is seeking to reverse a federal jury's decision thatfound him liable for defrauding investors in a mortgage-linkeddeal that soured during the financial crisis. () rocket tube But that is just investors' profit through income. In the 12 months to June Atlanta's house prices rose by 18.6pc, according to local lenders' data, so existing investors can count that as part of their total returns. The surge in prices is having the effect of limiting yields, however, and making it more difficult to source properties.