Social activities can delay mental decline of aging
By Liz Lockhart
Staying in touch with others may help to retard cognitive and physical issues which are associated with aging, suggests a new study. Furthermore, older adults should try to maintain or increase their participations in social activities.
The study appears in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour.
The study suggests that older adults who participate in high levels of social activity or step up their social life as they get older may be protected from any increases in physical and cognitive problems over time.
The study author, Patricia A. Thomas Ph.D., says ‘People have some control over their social lives, so it is encouraging to find that something many people find enjoyable, socialising with others, can benefit their cognitive and physical health.’
It was previously known that a positive link exists between health and social relations. The researchers in this study examined how altering social connections over time influenced health.
The investigators found that although the elderly may be vulnerable to losing some social roles because of events such as retirement or the death of a partner, they can still find a variety of social activities.
Data from 1,667 adults aged over 60 was analysed by the researchers. The participants were question about the frequency of their social activities, such as attending meetings, programmes or clubs, visiting friends and family, and voluntary work in their community during the previous 12 months. They were also asked about cognitive and physical limitations.
The researchers found that socially active older people developed cognitive and physical limitations more slowly than those with low levels of activity. This held true even among older people who were not as socially active when they were younger.
Thomas says ‘Even if older adults weren’t socially active when they were younger, when they increase social activity later in life, it can still reduce physical and cognitive health issues.’
The study findings were confirmed by Asenath La Rue, a neuropsychologist. La Rue stated that there has not been much reporting about the benefits gained from social interaction if a person was not socially connected when younger.
‘However, it is like the chicken and egg question about which comes first,’ she explains. She also noted that while the research was observational, epidemiology supports the fact that social interaction is beneficial for cognitive health and physical performance in older adults.
Source: Health Behaviour News Service