Factors which can impact on recovery from PTSD
By Liz Lockhart
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition which affects many people both in the military and civilian population. Some sufferers seem to recover naturally over time whilst others have chronic and persistent symptoms.
A study by a Florida State University clinical psychologist has identified factors that could account for the differences in recovery time from PTSD.
Women from across America who were suffering from PTSD were studied by assistant professor Jesse R. Cougle Ph.D., in this study which was conducted over two years. Cougle found that those with PTSD who reported a history of rape or severe physical abuse during childhood were more likely to suffer from chronic PTSD symptoms.
Furthermore, the women who reported more re-experiencing symptoms, such as flashbacks and nightmares, at the initial assessment were more likely to experience persistent PTSD symptoms two years after the study began.
Cougle said ‘What makes our findings unique is the recovery component. Most studies of this kind have looked at risk and resiliency or the factors that determine who develops PTSD and who doesn’t. We studied factors that influence recovery, or lack thereof, in a sample with PTSD. What we found, interestingly, is that more than half of the women in our sample, 58%, recovered within two years.’
Cougle noted that most people will experience at least one potentially traumatic event during their lifetimes that could result in PTSD. Recognising the factors that predict chronic PTSD will assist in the identification of the people who are most in need of help and treatment after suffering a traumatic incident.
Another finding was that about half of the women who recovered from PTSD during the study did so without any form of professional treatment. Cougle said ‘Some women have a natural capacity to recover from PTSD. They won’t require treatment to get better.’
The study is published in the journal Psychological Trauma.
Source: Florida State University