Time to view mental health conditions through new eyes
By Liz Lockhart
Having spent the morning trawling through new research papers, statistics and general information about various mental health conditions in order to report on the latest findings, I realise that it is time for us to view mental ill health with new eyes
Most articles about mental health have some kind of negative implication which is something that has come to be expected. Perhaps it is time to concentrate on the positives of people who have struggled with mental health. Admittedly this is no easy task. If, like so many, you are troubled with mental health problems, it is easy to be overwhelmed. It is hard to see past the difficulties which often surround poor mental health especially when engulfed by symptoms that can strike at and lay low the most courageous sufferer.
Every day I am struck by the courage, determination, creativity and compassion that is at the core of and in the heart of people who suffer from various mental health conditions. These people are special and many have talents and reserves which shine so brightly.
I have read heart-rending poetry from bi-polar suffers, seen inspirational paintings from individuals with DID, read outstanding novels from people with depression and seen overwhelming acts of kindness from many people suffering from a whole range of differing mental health disorders. The world would be a poorer place without these things and yet they all came about because of suffering. Obviously I am not saying aren't mental health problems great, or belittling the hardship of those who suffer from them. I myself know the torment. However much of my spirit, character and strength today comes from the trials of yesterday.
Would we chose mental ill-health? Of course not, it's like saying would we chose cancer! But what we can do is appreciate the tremendous character, creativity and enlightenment of those who have trodden the road of mental illness and have such wisdom to share because of it.
I recently read a blog from an individual who has mental health problems which made me view mental health through new eyes. Part of it read ‘I’m happy for the way my head misbehaves. It’s forced me to achieve a higher level of mental toughness and self control just to make it through the day.’
As Lao Tzu once said: “He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
Don’t let mental health disorder conquer you, you can have control of it and acceptance may hold the key. Self-recrimination and an attitude of ‘why me?’ isn’t going to make anything better although this is a natural process that most experience. Often it is only by ‘giving back’ that a sufferer can make sense of their suffering. This often takes the form of creative art or wanting to help fellow sufferers.
The old saying ‘if it doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger’ may be true. Poor mental health is not something anyone would choose to have but if it has affected you then finding a way to either overcome it or to live with it is the best outcome. One thing is for sure it will make you a different person. Many choose to turn that ‘difference’ into something positive.
For those who are fortunate enough not to have had experience of mental illness it would be asking a lot of you to fully understand what it is like but you have imaginations which could be used kindly and wisely. Stop a while and consider viewing mental health and all its implications with new eyes.