Professor Malcolm Grant confirmed as chair of NHS Commissioning Board

Professor Malcolm Grant confirmed as chair of NHS Commissioning Board

 Press Release : Department of Health

Professor Malcolm Grant has this week been confirmed as the Chair of the NHS Commissioning Board.

Following his appearance before the Health Select Committee, Malcolm Grant is now expected to take up the post later this month.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said:

“I am delighted that Professor Malcolm Grant has been confirmed as Chair of the NHS Commissioning Board.

“Professor Grant’s role will be to take forward the plans to establish the Board and its structure and provide strategic leadership and vision for NHS commissioning. This is an incredibly important role which carries significant responsibilities and I look forward to him bringing his characteristics of leadership, independence and strategic direction to the Board.”

Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive of the NHS, said:

“There is much to be done in the creation of the NHS Commissioning Board and the commissioning system and I look forward to taking that work forward with Professor Grant and with our colleagues right across health and social care.”

The NHS Commissioning Board’s central role will be to drive improvement in results for patients, ensuring a fair and comprehensive service across the country. It will also promote the NHS Constitution and champion the interests of patients, using choice and information to empower people to improve services.

Accountable to the Secretary of State via an annual mandate, the NHS Commissioning Board will be an independent, statutory body, free to determine its own organisational shape, structure and ways of working.

The Secretary of State will remain responsible for promoting a comprehensive health service; and retains the ultimate accountability for securing the provision of services, through his relationship with NHS bodies.

The NHS Commissioning Board will become officially operational subject to the Health and Social Care Bill 

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