Insight into the mental health of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo
By William Smith
The first phase of a pioneering trip to assist the treatment of psychological distress in child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been completed by two postgraduate students from Queens University, Belfast.
The two students, Paul O’Callaghan and John McMullen, spent the summer in the heart of this vast African country giving psychological support and treatment to the children who have suffered one of the worst world humanitarian crises.
Formerly a school teacher, Paul O’Callaghan is now a third year student on the Doctorate in Educational Child and Adolescent Psychology. He said ‘These children have been caught on both sides of the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo’
‘They are, at the same time, both perpetrators and victims of the violence that still plagues this mineral-rich yet materially-poor country in central Africa.’
‘Many child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo are forcibly abducted and then ordered to commit heinous crimes. They are subjected to brutal (and even cannibalistic) rituals, hard labour, cruel training regimes and torture. As a result, many exhibit severe psychological and emotional distress.’
‘Most struggle to cope with the transition to ‘normal’ life and some are haunted at night by the faces of those they have killed. Our five-week group-based intervention taught relaxation and mental imagery techniques and encouraged the children through art and individual psychotherapy to deal in the present with the horrors of their past.’
‘Our study highlighted the fact that, far from being a ‘lost generation’ or victims of a stolen childhood’ child soldiers have incredible inner strength and resilience. Simple psychological technique can be of great assistance in reducing their intensely disturbing nightmares and emotional distress that some face on a daily or nightly basis.’
Dr. Alastair Black, Psychotherapist and Head of Psychological Therapies at Futures (NI), who has considerable experience in working with children suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety gave advice on the challenging nature of this project. Clinical support was also provided by Dr. Ciaran Shannon, a consultant clinical psychologist.
A number of studies have found that CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) for children with PTSD can be extremely effective, Dr. Black explains. Each patient is different but we have found that goal setting and coping skills training can significantly improve the lives of sufferers, he added.
‘Studies like this are an important way for clinicians to not only help these children, but for us also to gain a better insight into how to help children suffering here, whether that be as a result of the Troubles of due to other traumatic experiences,’ said Dr. Black.
This is the second time that these two Queen’s University students have provided assistance to the vulnerable in Africa. They previously spent time in the world’s first primary school set up specifically to assist child soldiers in northern Uganda, where they measured levels of PTSD in the children and gave psychological therapy to the most traumatised.