Dr. Victoria Galbraith
Dr. Victoria Galbraith CPsychol AFBPsS CSci
Victoria is a chartered counselling psychologist (HPC registered practitioner) with a clinic in Ludlow (Shropshire). She provides a safe, professional, respectful and confidential service to individuals and couples.
DPsych [Practitioner Doctorate in Counselling Psychology]
Post-MSc Diploma in Counselling Psychology
Postgraduate Certificate in the Foundations of Psychological Counselling
BSc(hons) Psychology
Postgraduate Certificate of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Initial Consultation Sessions (approx. 60 - 90 mins) :
Individual - £90
Couple - £95
Subsequent Sessions (1 hour)
Individual: £75
Couple: £95
Ludlow Clinic 10 Mill Street Ludlow SY8 1AZ |
07780 680607