Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD
Here you will find specialists in your area who help people struggling with OCD. OCD is an anxiety disorder; in order to cope with anxieties and fears, OCD sufferers will perform tasks or 'rituals' that they believe will stop a negative consequence. The rituals themselves then impact upon a sufferers life, it is at this point that obsessions or compulsions become a disorder.
There are a variety of approaches to the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, and talking therapies have been proven most effective, with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) coming out on top. This is because CBT challenges negative anxiety provoking bahaviours and responses and changes them into healthy ones.
Other forms of therapy can look at an individual sufferer and the underlying causes of the condition. Looking at the root cause of the anxiety and empowering the sufferer to deal with and overcome the issues they may have, can ultimately help them overcome the OCD.
Different approaches work for different people, some people find a person centred or existential approach to talk through past and present issues, very helpful before they start CBT. The counsellors in this section of our directory all have experience in the area of OCD and there are many that offer free or reduced rate therapy for the first session.
It is very important to find a therapist you are comfortable with so we suggest asking a few questions of your own and chatting through what you, and the counsellor, would expect to get out of therapy and the goals you both feel sensible and realistic. This will make sure you both have an understanding of what is likely to happen, what you can expect, and the outcomes you desire - and whether that particular therapist agrees they can help you achieve this.