Anxiety is triggered by our body's natural response to a stressful situation. The 'Fight or Flight' response is the body's inbuilt mechanism that prepares the body to fight or flee when we percieve a danger. While we all experience the' fight or flight' response 16% of us will develop an anxiety disorder.
Believe it or not when we are able to manage anxiety we can use it to help us perform at our best. Some of the worlds top politicians and athletes admit the adrenaline rush and nervous energy they feel when performing heightens their senses and abilities. Anxiety becomes a problem when we are unable to manage it, when it is not at the appropriate level for the situation and starts infringing upon our life in a negative way. Our 'Overcoming Anxiety Programme' teaches you how to work with your body and to take back full control over your anxiety.
When anxiety becomes a problem:
According to the DWP, we would consider anxiety to be a problem when it is "disproportionate to the severity of the stress,
continues after the stressor has gone, or occurs in the absence of any external stressful event". This means a 'disorder' exists
when anxiety is present at levels that are no longer helpful, but are instead causing a problem in day-to-day life. Anxiety can
be specific (in response to a specific event) or general (present all/most of the time)
The 'Flight or Fight' response:
When our bodies feel danger (real or perceived) we go into 'survival mode'. Chemicals are released into our blood, digestion slows,
our heart beats faster and blood is pumped to the areas we need most. Our senses are hightened and our 'rational' thoughts are bypassed.
If we do need to fight/flee our bodies use this 'survival mode' well, we use up the excess chemicals and, when the danger has passed, we physically and psychologically acknowledge this and start to return to a state of calm. If however we don't need to 'fight or flee' the decreased carbon dioxide levels in our lungs and blood cause us to feel dizzy and disoriented, we can begin to hyperventilate and panic, our tense muscles ache and our 'rationally impared' brain seeks to find reason why we are so fearful.
Symptoms of anxiety:
Anxiety is triggered by our body's natural response to a stressful situation. The 'Fight or Flight' response is the body's
inbuilt mechanism that prepares the body to fight or flee when we percieve a danger. While we all experience the' fight or
flight' response 16% of us will develop an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can start to affect relationships and social life too. It is not uncommon for anxiety sufferers to self-medicate by smoking, drinking or taking drugs. Anxiety sufferers can withdraw from activities and family members, everyday tasks can become difficult even the ability to work can be affected.
Many different elements including genes, infancy, childhood and life experiences can influence our ability to cope with anxiety, but just as anxious patterns have been learned 'non-anxious' patterns can also be learned and our Our 'Overcoming Anxiety Programme' shows you how step by step.
Managing anxiety:
To take back control over our anxiety we need to tackle both the stress around us AND our internal reaction to it. We need
to create a life and lifestyle conducive to good health (sleeping right, eating well and reducing stress) and we need to learn
how to react to stress in an appropriate way.
We need to find a balance that allows us to minimise stress, but that doesn't create a tendency to 'avoid' what we need or want to do. The more we avoid anxiety, the more we limit our lives. PLEASE NOTE: anxiety symptoms are very real but are not life threatening and cannot 'drive you mad' or make you lose control, they just feel this way. By understanding more about anxiety and indeed Panic Attacks – Anxiety Attacks and their symptoms we can learn not to fear anxiety itself as much.
Our 'Overcoming Anxiety Programme': provides you with tools to
- Understand anxiety and learn not to fear it
- Deal with anxiety at every level
- Deal with everyday stressors appropriately
- Live a 'Mentally healthy' lifestyle - Eating, sleeping, exercising and relaxing to create balance everyday
- Have mental and physical ways of returning yourself to calm quickly and effectively
- Live an anxiety free life FOREVER
Anxiety help and treatments
Over the years there have been varying ways of treating anxiety, each with benefits and flaws. Your GP may suggest
some of the following, indeed you may have tried some of the following already, I know I did nearly all of these
things before realising that it was ME who held the keys to my recovery and used the methods I teach you in our
'Overcoming Anxiety Programme'.
Talking therapies
Talking therapies can help with anxiety. In the UK, these are available through the NHS or privately. There are
different types of talking therapy and your GP should be able to advise or refer you for a consultation to find
which would be best for you. Some therapies look at the causes of your anxiety; others take a more pro-active approach
of helping you overcome the feelings you are experiencing right now. Some therapies that may be considered are: Counselling,
psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) even applied relaxation.
Our anxiety programme is designed to use the most beneficial elements of these at a fraction of the cost of private therapy! We use the best bits of various therapies in our programmes including finding and overcoming past trauma, cognitive behavioural therapy, systematic desensitisation and many more.
Medications generally prescribed for anxiety include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) these include Fluoxetine,
Citalopram and Sertraline, and Benzodiazepines. Sleeping tablets, tranquillisers and sedatives (including Benzodiazepines) may
be used as a short-term solution, while SSRI's may be longer-term. Herbal remedies have helped some people, a firm favourite for
many is trusted brand Bach's rescue remedy. Whilst medication can be useful in some cases and this should ALWAYS be discussed with
your healthcare provider, the fundimental problem with medication is it doesn't change YOUR reaction to stress, it doesn't
help you LEARN appropriate ways to manage and overcome anxiety.
Anxiety disorders (including panic attacks, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), PTSD) CAN be overcome. If fear is infringing on your life then for the price of just one-and-a-half hours with a private therapist we give you our'Overcoming Anxiety Programme' that will benefit you for a lifetime. A workbook and diary with five CD's to be with you daily for 3-6 months and a quickstart guide that will get you feeling the benefits right from the start!
PLUS a guide to relaxation AND a FREE 'Eating for mental health' workbok! Our programme is guarenteed to change your life. We are so convinced of your success we give you a FULL 6 months moneyback guarentee. So not only is it value for money, you really have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.