Hi, my name is Charlotte Fantelli, today I am a wife, a mum and a I run my own business. I founded www.mentalhealthy.co.uk and Fantelli Imprint to help people suffering with mental health issues. In 2010 I launched Uncovered magazine (the first global newsstand mag about mental health). Whilst these achievements are lovely, the most remarkable part of my life, the most challenging and the most life changing has been my own triumph over the crippling anxiety disorders that once held me prisoner in my own home.
Believe me when I say I know the hell of anxiety, it robbed me of so much. After years of seeing different doctors, trying different things I realised that I wasn't going to find the answers I needed looking to other people. In 2005 I hit my rock bottom. Being too scared to take any further medication and even more scared of giving up, I had one option - find my own path to recovery.
I learned about my condition and very quickly on understanding the very REAL physical things that were happening to me, on realising that this wasn't just something 'in my head' but a real CURABLE condition, I began to get a little hope back.
I learned about anxiety and I learned about myself. I found what worked for me and each day/week/month that passed my life became my own more and more. Unbiased by any one train of thought I pursued knowledge, I learned about diet, exercise, sleep, psychology and different anxiety management techniques. I am so pleased to say that I have had five glorious years free from the hell of anxiety disorders. Now it is my mission to help other people.
So why is this important to you?
Having set up my own publishing house to bring mental health information to the general public I have worked with some of the very best doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, counsellors, sleep experts, fitness experts AND so many people that just like you and me, have suffered anxiety disorders. I have put together what I believe to be the most COMPREHENSIVE, LIFE CHANGING Anxiety programme available ANYWHERE!
This programme will help you if:
- You suffer anxiety
- You are agoraphobic
- You have a specific or a general phobia
- You have social anxiety/shyness
- You have a generalised anxiety disorder
- You suffer anxiety due to PTSD
- You have OCD
If fear controls any aspect of your life and you want to be free of it!
Anxiety comes from a completely natural response | Anxiety CAN be cured
This is a unique and flexible plan, there are so many angles and techniques used that this really is the pinnacle of anxiety management programmes. Some of our techniques may not work for you but I guarantee some will, this is your journey and this programme offers YOU the reins. YOU will be empowered and change your life to live anxiety free.
Besides if in three months, even six months time you don't believe that it has helped improve your life, or you are not entirely satisfied we will give you your money back.
This comprehensive and flexible programme works on any form of anxiety
Lastly, you may think 'but it may not work for me', 'was she really suffering like I am?' or 'I am beyond help!' Let me just say It IS possible and I do understand.
I have been on TV, I have seen a rock concert in The Royal Albert Hall and am off tomorrow to Silverstone for the weekend. There was a time I had to be tranquillised by doctors to even come out my own bathroom, my ultimate dream was to be able to go into my local town!

Believe me when I say I know the hell that is anxiety and I know the amazing freedom from it – YOU CAN too, please let me show you how.
You really have nothing to lose but your entire future to gain.
We are offering the opportunity to get our FULL pack 1/2 price to those who help us with our research.