ADHD – The Essential Guide

ADHD – The Essential Guide

Supplied by Need2Know

Does your child have unexplained temper tantrums? Does your child find sitting still without fidgeting difficult? Does your child seem to lose concentration quickly? These may be signs that your child has ADHD. 5-10% of children are affected by ADHD, but wouldn’t you like to be able to know if this is the case with your child?

Journalist and Author, Diane Paul runs an educational publishing company with emphasis on children with special needs and she also runs workshops with special needs children. She has just written a new book called; ADHD – the Essential Guide which will provide you with the information you need to spot any early signs of ADHD and how you as a parent can deal with it appropriately. ADHD – the Essential Guide is a step-by-step guide written for parents who are in need of advice. Diane has explained with great detail, how to spot the signs and symptoms of ADHD including how to gain support from school and family.

Being able to deal with the situation correctly will reduce stress and also help encourage better behaviour from your child. Diane has written this book in an easy-to-read format, so you can make use of the information and incorporate it within your lifestyle at your own pace.

Published by Need2Know, ADHD – the Essential Guide will be available from February 2012 on the Need2Know website, by calling 01733 898103 or emailing [email protected]. The book will also available from all good bookshops. ADHD – the Essential Guide will be available in eBook form from the Need2Know website. 

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